Distribution tower [Updated]

Hi all, I am currently working on a sample of a Electricity Pylon model.

Published on October 19, 2020 by Dino Nalbanski

Drawings Tekla AutoCAD renders video

2 min READ

The general layout is already created (see dwg down below) - at least the part that suits my needs to model and detail it later with Tekla.
I’ve also added a video at the bottom of the page.

Please note, the structure is not fully detailed, for example I left a lot of clashes between the profiles uncut or unfitted. I made this decision because fully detailing something like this involves a lot of busy work, way too much for a free time project or a project that I do not intend to put straight to manufacturing.

I used a minimal amount of macros to create it, most of it was hand work. For example the reinforcements at the base diagonals are made with a customisable macro tool which is provided with Tekla.

The rest I made myself by hand because I feel this way is a lot more customizable to the project’s specific needs, for example the arms are hand made, including their bracings and reinforcements. Unfortunately also Tekla managed to crash on me when I was making the GA drawing, which resulted in some considerable loss of work.

In fact, what I am posting here is a previous save in a less-refined state, but currently I am lacking the energy to build it up again to it’s previous state.

Initial scheme made in AutoCAD to serve as a guide for creating the GRID and general layout:

Usially in real life we’d receive this from an architect or a civil engineer, but I had to make do with what I had for this one: looking trough the window and using different images I found online as inspiration.

Tekla2 Autocad Layout

General layout of the footing

Tekla2 Autocad Layout

Shaping the top

Tekla2 Autocad Layout

Making a sample custom plate for the top

Tekla2 Autocad Layout

Adding the bearing arms

Tekla2 Autocad Layout


Tekla2 Autocad Layout

Tekla2 Autocad Layout

General arangement

Tekla2 Autocad Layout
